The Broadcasters' Desktop Resource

The BDR Mug Shot Page

(Where has your mug been? Please share it!)

At our Lunch Gathering in 2010, we gave out a bunch of coffee mugs (other beverages are certainly allowed). Although we ran out of the large size, a lot of folks said they really liked the BDR mug. We invited pictures from the field. In 2013, we decided to give out portable mugs. Some pix of those are now added.

Richard Rudman decided to take the mug to new heights, on top of a 40-foot Genie lift.

And then off to the Rodeo!

And the Gibralter Peak in California

Powell Way likes to have his mug on hand while he checks out the latest articles on the BDR.

Kevin Raper keeps his mug handy while browsing the BDR!

Mark Shander is a stand-up type of guy with his mug!

Here’s Glen Kippel, from the Desert Southwest, out Thousand Palms, CA way.

Jeff Welton provides his Mug Shot. As usual, he is on the phone helping folks.

No, this isn’t a bacon float – or any known beverage. Alex Hartman just decided the mug was a great place to put his bacon.

On the other hand, when we asked for picture of him with the mug, he replied: “Hehe… I ate most of it already. :)”

Curt “Cowboy” Flick sent this one.

The BDR mug is on the right – and a sort of self-portrait (?) on the left. (He is a cowboy, after all!)

Eric Adler at WSKG keeps his close to his work, so he doesn’t run out of caffine.

Clark Novak of Axia Audio submitted this shot. He writes: “Mornings are ugly. Coffee makes them better.”
Thank you, Clark for the picture.

Anyone else with a BDR “mug shot?” (Let us know!)