The Broadcasters' Desktop Resource

This Week’s Newsletter

Greetings from your broadcast friends out on the Desert…
This is BDR Newsletter 807, Volume 16, #27 for February 5, 2025

It is fairly common knowledge that the NFL owns the trademark for the “Super Bowl” and aggressively protects its rights for the trademark, logos, and copyrights. Lawsuits may ensue even after the game. Did you know the NFL also owns “First and ten” and other trademarks? On the other hand, they do NOT own “The Big Game” or, curiously “Superb Owl.” The BDR does not pretend to know all the aspects of the law, but commercial (as opposed to news) use of trademarks could bring problems. Best advise: if you are unsure, ask your attorney. And enjoy the game, if you can.

A lot has been said about the potential for problems should the US enforce tariffs against Canada – many broadcasters have been worried about how that could affect them. First of all, the imposition of tariffs have been delayed for at least 30 days. While some companies could run into problems, Nautel, for example, has long had manufacturing plants in both Nova Scotia and Maine.

Not only the Wizard, but for those that take the time, a lot of information about a transmitter’s health can be found in the various screens of the AUI embedded in the transmitter. Jeff Welton of Nautel returns to us tomorrow (Thursday) to talk about some of the things you can learn – and how that can not only prevent carrier loss but can ensure a long reliable lifespan for the transmitter.

Yes … Thursday at 2 PM Eastern // 11 AM Pacific. You will learn things. The link request is, as always, at and on the channel.